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Presented at Internet of Things Developers Conference 2015 in San Jose.

ABSTRACT: Connected products and services are becoming the new normal in our lives. Companies around the world are building bridges to their customers, reducing operational expenses, and improving the strength and resilience of their brand. However, with great opportunity comes great risk. Security is the foundation upon which all IoT products are built, and if that foundation is unsettled or is breached, user experience may suffer, data may be lost, partnerships may be rocked, and brand trust may plummet. This presentation addresses available best practices, processes, and tools that will enable us to understand and mitigate security hazards that are unique to connected product deployments.

Exosite accouncement.

Mark Benson speaking photo

About Mark Benson

Mark Benson is Head of Samsung SmartThings, author of The Art of Software Thermal Management for Embedded Systems, and is a regular speaker and writer on leadership, organizational behavior, and the future of the smart home.

Read more about Mark in the preface