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From the IPSO (Internet Protocol for Smart Objects) Alliance, the following paper makes the case for why IP will rule when it comes to the proliferation of smart objects. Adam Dunkels, PhD, Senior Scientist, Swedish Institute of Computer Science and JP Vasseur, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems:

IP provides standardized, lightweight, and platform-independent network access to smart objects and other embedded networked devices. The use of IP makes devices accessible from anywhere and from anything; general-purpose PC computers, cell phones, PDAs as well as database servers and other automated equipment such as a temperature sensor or a light bulb.

In case you need convincing, it's worth the read. More on the IPSO Alliance.

Mark Benson speaking photo

About Mark Benson

Mark Benson is Head of Samsung SmartThings, author of The Art of Software Thermal Management for Embedded Systems, and is a regular speaker and writer on leadership, organizational behavior, and the future of the smart home.

Read more about Mark in the preface